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Monument of Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev

He was born in 1823 in the Bukey Horde (nowadays Zhanakala district, the West Kazakhstan region). Since the early childhood he was involved in playing on  dombra. He witnessed revolt of Kazakhs of the Bukey horde (1836 — 1838) under the leadership of Isatay Taymanov and Makhambet Utemisov against the khan Zhangir and the Russian colonialism. One of the first works "Kishkentay" ("Small") — was devoted to revolt. The works "Аkbai", "Turmeden kashkan",  "Aday", etc. he sings about dream of the people about freedom, expresses an angry protest to injustice. Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev was repeatedly imprisoned, however, as the invincible fighter for freedom he never gave up. He sat in prisons of Uralsk, Orenburg;  there are data that he had to be imprisoned Irkutsk. He was died in 1896, he is buried in the Astrakhan region of Russia.

The Kazakhstan composer and the collector of folklore music Evgeniy Brusilovsky was the first who undertook rehabilitation of a name of Kurmangazy. Popularity of music of Kurmangazy presently, assignment of  his name of Almaty conservatory — one of the greatest merits of Brusilovsky.

Monument of Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev is situated on Azattyk Avenue, near the Business center.

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